Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"At least it's not Nappy" | Natural Hair Rant

If you only want to go natural because you think you'll have “Good” hair or curly hair... Keep your relaxer.

There have been a lot of rants going on lately about texture discrimination and I'm glad, because it's a real thing and it's really sad. It seems as though African American's have more negative things to say about our natural hair than other races (from what I've seen and heard anyway). In the real world, outside of social media, I've honestly received more compliments from caucasian women than I have from AA men or women who are not also natural themselves. Why do some of them love us more than we love us?

I've received a few negative comments from people about my hair, some have even been my family. One said, “What's going on with that nappy sh*t on your head?” another said, “I'm tired of seeing these girls walk around looking like they haven't combed their heads; like your hair.” PAUSE, Yes, I had to catch myself both times before I let loose. I'm gonna have to pray that the next time I receive negative comments the Lord will give me the right words to say that won't cause the situation to go all the way wrong. I wanna be able to handle it with class, and at those times I felt it was best that I smiled and kept it moving.

I've seen a lot of ignorant responses on social media as well made by people who seem to think we shouldn't return to our natural hair if it's going to be “nappy”. Say what now? Hair is Hair and Natural is just that, NATURAL. If you feel some type of way about your own hair being a certain texture don't put down on others or make other people feel uncomfortable about the hair they choose to rock. Because truth be told, I've seen some ladies with coarser, kinkier hair rock their natural hair way better than some ladies with fine, loose curls. I'm just saying, it's not about what you have to rock, it's about how you rock it and most definitely how you take care of it.

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