Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Perfect Wife

I’m the perfect wife...

In my mind maybe, but not always with my actions and certainly not my attitude. Yeah I’m woman enough to admit it. I’m not a perfect wife. I’ll say it again, I’m not a perfect wife. My hubby isn’t a perfect husband either, but this post isn’t about him, it’s about yours truly.

From my anniversary post you all should know that God has allowed us to see seven years of wedded... growth. Marrying young, practically as teenagers, we’ve had our share of ups and a lot of downs, because lets be honest, at 19 and 20 whose mind is capable of grasping the true meaning of marriage and what it means to love unconditionally, sacrifice their wants for someone else's feelings, putting your spouse before family and friends that you’ve grown up with and definitely the role that God has designed for each of us to play as a husband and a wife? At those ages there is still some selfishness going on, if not downright hardheadedness.

Growing up I always dreamed of the fairy tale marriage that you see in Disney movies and romance movies in general. My home situation involved two parents, that’s a plus, but there was still some dysfunction. I knew that when I did get married,my marriage was going to be my main focus. I wasn’t going to cheat and I was not getting a divorce...period! I’ve managed to keep those vows to myself, despite the tremendous amount of tests and trials that I’ve gone through to make it through.

While I may have never cheated and I stuck by his side no matter what, I cook and clean, and I love God, but that still doesn’t make me the perfect wife. You see, while going through some of the most painful things I’ve gone through in marriage I didn’t always have the right attitude. The bible calls for us to be long-suffering and I was not that. I suffered, true enough, but was I always patient about when my breakthrough would come? No. Did I always have faith that things would change? No. Did I always encourage my husband and lift him up? Sadly, no. I could go on, but with those three No’s I think I’ve made my point. 

It takes more than sticking it out and being domestic to be the perfect wife. It takes patience, unconditional love and most importantly it takes FAITH. If more women would be honest with themselves we would stop placing the blame on our husbands for everything that has gone wrong in our marriages. He may do some pretty bad things, but we still have to account for our actions and even our attitudes (which a lot of us overlook). Stop and think is your attitude and your aura keeping the peace or causing more issues. Most women think if they admit they are some of the problem in their marriage that makes them weak, but it shouldn’t be about how you look, it should be about how healthy your marriage is and in order for us to change we first have to admit that we do need to change.

I’m admitting that I need to change. Will you?

1 comment:

  1. This was a pretty interesting read. Although I'm not married as of now, this is definitely good advice that I can refer back to and also to use when in a relationship. Congratulations on seven years of marriage. It's always refreshing to hear of lengthy marriages in these times since there are so many things and people that work against us. I'm sure it wasn't easy, but when two people wholeheartedly love and care for one another, they make it work. Again, Congratulations!
