Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Monthly Goal

Photo NOT mine. Found via Google
My main goal for this month is to (kind of shamed to say it, but...) FINALLY be obedient to the direction that God pointed my family over a year ago...

It's been nearly a year since my husband and I decided that if our lives were going to be blessed, we would have to do things God's way and follow his direction for our lives. Neither of us were very happy with where we are currently living or the state that we're living in, so we wanted to move. But where to? We didn't know. We had a few ideas in our minds, from Atlanta to Texas and even Mississippi...yes, Mississippi. But we never had a concrete idea, so we decided to take it to God in prayer, and find out where it is that He wants us to be.

It took a while, I'd say a couple months before we got confirmation in more than one way that the palce we needed to be was Tennessee. Neither of us had the idea or even the desire to move to Tennessee at all, so it was a little sad to hear, but at the same time exciting, because we got our answer and being in God's will is where we knew we needed to be.

We planned to move in the Summer of 2013 before our kids went back to school... that didn't happen. Why? Because we procrastinated and other things took priority. So, school started back up and we were still here, and we didn't want to have to take the kids out of school and put them in a new school since the year had already started. So, Summer of 2014 has rolled around, and we're finally trying to get on the good foot, and get out of Louisiana and make our way to Tennessee.

The goal was to make Nashville our new home, but if you live or have lived there you know it's not cheap. So, while we're still hoping to find something around Nashville area, we've also started looking in Clarksville (since it's cheaper and the schools are better) until we can purchase a home on the outskirts of Nashville.

We're all really looking forward to the move, kids included!

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