Monday, June 24, 2013

Photo Journal: Relaxing at Home

Hello loves! As I said before on my iPhone Photo Challenge post, I was searching high and low for a photo challenge that would put my "skills" to the test, and I'm sad to say that I still haven't come across one that has piqued my interest. But that doesn't mean there hasn't been any photo op inspiration.

After getting my kids their breakfast and feeding myself as well, the kiddos ducked off into their own area to play, and I had nothing to do. So, I decided to just go outside and enjoy the fresh air, though I wish there would've been a little breeze. But in Louisiana, summertime means stifling humidity, even in the mornings. I had no intention of taking any pictures, I was sitting back, listening to Donald Lawrence's channel on Pandora and happened to see a beautiful bird land in the tree directly in front of me. So, what would any photographer do? I hopped up, went into the house to retrieve my camera bag and came back out to hurriedly snap a picture. Only the bird was gone. My feelings were a bit hurt, but not for long since the bird obviously likes my yard, it came back, again and again. So I snapped what I could while it would be still and then I noticed a lizard staring at me as well, so took his or her glamour shot as well.

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